
A New Beginning


With the right mentality, setbacks and disappointments don’t have to derail you. Arm yourself with the resources to dig yourself out of any unexpected adversity so that you can begin your life anew.

Academic Support


Children need love, structure, and discipline to be successful both academically and socially. Develop the tools to motivate children to become high achievers irrespective of their familial circumstances.

Post Divorce Hurdles


Additional battles after divorce can be unsettling for you and your children. Learn how to make the right decisions to improve the quality of your life and speed up the process of getting you and your family back on track.  


“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In
fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you know
who you are, what you can rise from, how you can come out of it.”
–Maya Angelou








  • MA in English, M.ED in Education University of Yaoundé
  • BA in English and FrenchUniversity of Yaoundé 


“Parenting is tough, and single parenting is even tougher, but with patience, sacrifice, and great comunication skils, the job of any parent is simplified.”

“The light from a parent often radiates to the child Shine so that your children will shine as well.”

“It takes a village to raise a child, so don’t be afraid to reach out for the support you need from others.”

Public Speaking

Ms. Cabinda has taught English, French, and ESL at various high schools, middle schools, and colleges around the country. This has given her experience teaching and mentoring children of all ages through the dynamic challenges of adolescence and young adulthood. By nature of her position Ms. Cabinda has also worked with parents from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, offering advice that would further benefit their children within and outside of the school environment. She attributes her passion and enthusiasm for working with children and their parents to a higher power. Her experience in overcoming a challenging divorce in her own life has motivated Ms. Cabinda to reach out to families weakened by divorce to show them that divorce is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey. She is positive, outgoing, humble, and enjoys making others laugh. Her greatest joy comes from improving the lives of others. Ms. Cabinda is determined to make an impact on the fragile lives of divorcees, and to repair each broken home, one family at a time.
Available for conferences and other speaking engagements. For more information, contact me.

“Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage.” –Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

“Parents have the primary responsibility for instilling an ethic of hard
work and educational achievement in their children.”
–Barack Obama The Audacity of Hope








About Author


Natalie Cabinda’s primary mission is to share strategies that will enable broken families to rebuild after a divorce, so that they can exploit their potential to the fullest as they re-structure their lives.

Most of these strategies are drawn from more than 18 years of teaching high school and college students, interacting with parents and students from divorced families, school counselors, members of child study teams, and from her personal experience as a divorced mother of three.

In her opinion, divorce has the uncanny ability to destabilize most families, especially families with children, forcing many children to struggle academically or become delinquent in certain cases. Single parents, particularly mothers who have been out of the work force for many years, are strained to the point of being unable to bounce back.

Ms. Cabinda intends to arm such fragile families with strategies that will enable them to help themselves and their children to reach their maximum potential socially, academically, and professionally.

Natalie Cabinda is available to speak at schools, colleges, churches, and conferences.










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